
Monday, April 27, 2015

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Assalamualaikum.. Dah tgk video atas nih..?? Bukan nak buat poyo atau bajet atau pessimistic.. Skrang semua orang guna phone mcm2.. Iphone,Samsung,Lenovo,Oppo dlll... Tapi dalam hendpon tuh berapa byk application yg kita guna?? adakah 100% application kau gunakan...?? tolak tepi application yg kau install.. Original application yg build up together with that phones(klu kau format phone, apa yg tinggl itu lah application yg ada dlm phone tuh).. Kau x guna semua kan??

Aku?? Aku dah cmpk ke dinding phones tuh.. Skrin dah berkecai, tapi bru hantar repair.. Sbb malas nk beli baru.. Skrang aku guna 3310.. 3310?? Wujud lagi ke?? Wujud lah.. Yg dah recycle punya ada kat market tapi cover biru lah... Tapi rezeki jumpa 3310 yg sendiri punya dalam stor(yang nih x jual sbb mmg rosak habis) amik cover, tukar yg biru tuh.. hahahaha.. Cover phone 3310 spiderman..(ko hade??) So basically, whatassp,wechat x ada,, ig ada.. (online guna laptop ataupun..pandai2 lah hidup..pinjam member punya ke mak punya ke..)

Well, mula2 bosan x tahu nak buat apa sbb whatassp x ada.. but I learned something.. I see something.. Aku nampak apa yang abang hensem tuh nampak.. I see hand phone not human.. Well..
It's your choices..

Some people might say  it depends of your purpose.. Technology is very helpful.. You just need self-discipline and know your priorities.

But simply you may keep saying that untill you fall in it...It's 2

wedged weapon...we keep saying we control it but 

eventually it controls us. its not depends of particular one , 

this video talks about THE MAJORITY..

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