
Monday, July 29, 2013

masa depan

Tetiba kan rasa semangat sangat3.. 
Aku berdebar sebenarnya nak daftar jobsdirumah, takut salah masuk bank dan sebagainya..
So sekarang nih aku tahu dan da tangkap gambar utk no bank akaun tuh.. 
Hmmm.. Esok aku g bayar pendaftaran tuh.. 
Tetiba pulak dalam pala aku, nak buat bisnes and aku nak buat akaun sendiri..
 Dulu aku ada buat akaun sendiri, yang mana asas sahaja, klu masuk amount dia akan terus lnk ke akaun3 yang patut.. 
Aku google tadi and byk juga yang tunjuk.. At least, aku boleh manage sendiri.. 
Tetiba lak aku risau pasal tax.. Hish, klu business sendiri x kena tax pon.. 
Hehehe, teringat pulak subjek taxation aku..
Andai tiada rezeki dalam degree, aku percaya pasti ada yang lebih baik, aku kena pekak kan telinga,kuatkan hati,sabar,percaya akan jalan yang aku pilih, sebab ini masa depan aku bukan masa depan mereka... 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

menikmati cuti yang telah lama hilang

Apa yang aku buat? Aku menikmati perkataan CUTI SEMESTER..

Hahahahaha, Nak cuti3 Malaysia, x ada duit.. 
Jadi cuti di rumah je lah.. Jadi suri rumah tangga sepenuh masa.. 
Aku mengemas rumahku yang macam tongkang pecah.. 
Dan melayan anak3 aku yang 9 ekor kucing semuanya..
Walaupun poket aku kering tapi takpelah..
Aku da keje dari darjah 6 untuk hampir setiap cuti sekolah atau cuti semester.
Masa diploma dulu, aku keje sebagai cikgu ganti,kerani akaun,waiters merangkap cashier merangkap kerani akaun, operator kat puspakom
So, it's time to enjoy the holiday.

Walaupun aku di rumah nih tak main komputer,tengok cerita korea ataupun movie sekadar membuang masa dan kemas rumah dan berpoya-poya. 
Ianya seronok sebab aku cuba mengenali orang di sekeliling aku, banyak benda yang aku terlepas dan aku tak kenal pun orang disekeliling aku sangat. 
Yalah masa diploma dulu, aku jarang balik hanya waktu stress atau cuti panjang. Kalau ada assignment atau projek besar, aku x balik umah.
Then bila cuti semester baru 2-3 hari duduk rumah aku cari kerja dan kerja sampai lah hari nak daftar kat jengka tuh...

  • Aku pernah lepaskan konvoi raya terakhir aku bersama arwah hadi dan kengkawan yang lain hanya kerana nak siapkan assignment dan test yang menanti...
  • Aku pernah terlepas birthday party kawan3 aku...
Aku rasa sangat menyesal dan sedih sangat bila terfikirkan, so bila ada gathering, aku akan cuba pergi.
Aku memang tak selalu contact kawan bila kat tempat study hanya certain people je.
Bagus juga ramadan masa aku cuti sebab aku akan jadi malas nak keje, kalau nak keje pon aku akan pikir susah nak cuti kalau da nak raya.
Aku ada banyak benda nak buat juga masa cuti nih macam betulkan laptop ak dan komputer rumah(yang laptop sendiri tuh mmg malas tahap gaban tapi rumah punya setel da virus3 bedebah tuh), main gitar, melukis, tulis lagu, memasak, memancing, cari cikgu3 lama, mendaki broga semula(ari tuh tak sampai puncak,almaklum lah semputttttttt).
Tapi tuh semua angan3 je...Aku malas nak buka laptop,malas nak main gitar, malas nak bangun sahur, malas nak mandi, malas nak masak, malas nak gosok baju abang aku, semuanya malas lah..
Tapi mungkin esok lusa, sebab nak dekat raya nih timbul banyak semangat nih.. Hehehehe..
Disebabkan aku x keje dan tiada panggilan interviwe jadi sekarang nih aku nak jadi freelance je buat 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

that's girl.

Once upon a time, there's a girl. she's fat and funny, love to laugh, love to kacau2 people, love to buli2 people, and the most important is she's cute!She doesn't care about what is fat or being called "GEMOK" because extremely cute! She didn't have a boyfriend or scandal, she just love to stalk KACANG(her prince charming). But then, she goes into UiTM to study, (of course to study! and not to find a prince since loves KACANG so much)  But that doesnt matter, what's matter is after a several years studying she realize that study is not easy, but she keep on doing what's best for her. 

That girl success in her Diploma of Accountancy and she continue her dream for Degree and to be an accountant. But one day, she want to stop studying because of family matters. Allah know what the best for her and it's all written. She continue studying and lot's of bad thing happens. She can't survived and lost the path of being a student. She didn't give up even though everyday she thinks to stop studying. After final exam on first semester in Degree, she walks away from college and go back to her house with full of heart " I've done what i can even is not the best,but i believe that's the best i've ever done in my study". She got result and the result what's so unexpected. She failed one paper and the suck ever result she got in university level with cgpa 2.47. Her heart stop, her mind also stop. She says this is unfair and blame to god. Then she try to think positive but there's always bad thing happens. She almost give up(actually she give up already). 

She just then became weak and weaker, more and more hot tempered, and only thinks to stop or change the field of study. She talks to other person, and every people blame on her "It's waste time and money". She sad to hear that, yeah it waste time but it's better late than never. She talks to person that can encourage her which her private tuition teacher. The decision is to change the field of study. Yes! that's the final decision. All along her journey to college, she brings some book together and put on her arm. The green and thick books of accountancy, which she always called that books Dinosaur. 

She so sad and "This is not me, this is not me. How can i leave the things i loved,my passion,my soul,my mind,my heart and my everything. Allah, why you make my way so tough and difficult? This is my upper limit, take away account from my life equal to death person. She called her teacher and says " I want to do the best for this semester and i promise to give the best. If i failed to do so, I won't be regret anymore and i promise to let it go." She tried her best in final exam for second semester. If she failed, that's it. She have faith on Allah, there's other path that wait for her. The accounting only for a while and she just need to believe in Allah. Now she decide to stop studying, watching movie all days all nights without getting headache and tensed. So the end! Let's continue watching movie and eating... !!!!!!!!!! HUHUHUHUHU