Hey semua... Cuti sem da abis, masuk sem baru.. Boleh dikategorikan senior lah a.k.a pelajar tua.. huhuhu.. Sem baru nih agak mencabar sebab BANYAK PEMBENTANGAN!.. huh.. serabut perut betul... marah nih marah.. cuti x sampai sebulan .. masuk sem baru.. culture shock.. huhuu.. 3 minute presentation.. hurmm.. nak merepek apa..??? Sir nak issue semasa dan bagi cara penyelesaian.. Klu issue pasal ppsmi tuh mcm da lapuk je.. aku rasa an..
How to help student who is behind in math? (amacam?? ok x??)
On break semester, i got a job as a clerk of accounting and part time teacher in tuition center around my house..As a clerk,it's not tough and difficult to me because it related with my course study in uitm.. Being a teacher, gave me lot of pain and headache.. Owh, it's not easy to be a teacher.. Erm actually quite easy to get a tittle as a teacher BUT be a teacher to make student understand is not an easy job.. Totally not !! For those who are weak in math and English.. Gosh it burn me up..
Weak student have 3 type..
a) weak student in everything but have and effort to improve..
b) weak student but do not not not not have an effort + lie to parents..
c) weak student + want to learn + wrong method of learning = Kill their interesting to study..
As a teacher, i've been thinking.. What we should do with b type.. Hurmm.. nothing we can do actually.. They don't want to change their attitude because they do not know about outside world.. World after high school is challenging.. Study in school or universities is not for a sake to past examination or to have a certificate that show u r clever or whatever.... But that knowledge will help you.. if there is knowledge, people will not be stepping on our heads very easily..
Ada sebuah negara, rakyatnya suka belajar.. Walaupun sebagai pemandu teksi, mereka ada degree atau master.. Kenapa?? Sebab mereka suka ilmu, sijil tuh mereka bukan nya gunakan untuk dapatkan job atau apa... Bagi mereka ilmu itu indah,, semua orang patut belajar dan mempunyai pengetahuan.. (opss,, tercakap melayu pulak)..
Ok .. for those who are in type a, it's easy for me.. Because they have an effort, teach them slowly.. Then they can find their own way to understand the subject.. But for C type.. Have to teach them very very very slowly with special method.. Erm...C type is totally 0.. They cannot understand how that can be happen.. In their mind, why, why,why?? So we should show they the reason how it happens.. Law of Math ...
Example in mathematics..
At school, teacher will always say to them.. "Hafal sifir!! Kalau tak hafal sifir, macam mana nak belajar Matematik. Sifir 2 pun tak tahu, teruk betul kamu ni!"
Hey come on.. If you have that kind of teacher in school, promise to yourself you won't teach your kids with that method.. JANGAN AJAR ANAK2 KAMU MENGHAFAL..Number is beautiful, it will never be wrong.. Never..!!
Pernah tak korang terfikir kenapa 2 x 2= 4?? Kenapa bukan 6??
a) Da memang itu peraturan nya. Gila lah klu jadi 6!
b) Entah, cikgu cakap macam tuh.. Tapi cikgu x pernah bagitahu sebabnya pun..
c) Sebab nombor itu indah..
Jawapan aku C.. Ok, Klu korang hafal sifir mesti berlagu kan..
and so on..
TAPI.. tahu x
2, 1 kali bermaksud 2
2,2 kali bermaksud 2+2=4
2,3 kali bermaksud 2+2+2=6
2,4 kali bermaksud 2+2+2+2=8
Setiap yang di darab itu adalah ditambahkan tapi dengan nombor yang sama.. Bagi pelajar yang jenis C, kita tunjukan kenapa ianya menjadi begitu..Mereka x faham sebab x nampak mengapa ia terjadi.. Menghafal adalah cara yang salah dalam proses pembelajaran.. Setiap yang terjadi ada sebabnya.. Nombor tuh terbentuk bukan nya dengan sendiri, ianya ada sebab mengapa jadi begitu,, bagi guru atau ibu bapa, didiklah anak agar mencintai ilmu dan fahamkan bukannya hafal..
Sekian.. =)
p/s: ok x tajuk nih?? hopefully ianya ok..